Pengaruh Verbal Abuse Orangtua Terhadap Kepercayaan Diri Remaja di Kota Medan


  • Jesika Sibarani
  • Ervina M.R Siahaan

Kata Kunci:

verbal abuse, self-confidence, adolescence


This study aims to determine the Effect of Parental Verbas Abuse on Adolescent SelfConfidence in Medan City. The hypothesis proposed in this study is the Effect of Parental Verbas Abuse on Adolescent Self-Confidence in Medan City. In this study the number of samples viewed using a sampling table developed by Isaac and Michael with an error rate of 5%. So the number of samples used based on the table is 347 adolescents in Medan City. The method in this study is to use a quantitative approach with a simple linear regression research design. The independent variable (X) is Verbal Abuse and the dependent variable (Y) is SelfConfidence. The verbal abuse scale is based on the form proposed by Lestari 2016 and the self-confidence aspect proposed by Lauster 1992. Based on the results of the study, a linear regression coefficient was obtained with values of (r = 051) and (p) = 0.000 (p < 0.05). The results of the analysis show that the accepted hypothesis is that there is an influence between verbal abuse on self-confidence, which means, the higher or increased by one unit of verbal abuse level, the lower self-confidence.


