Pengaruh Mindfulness Terhadap Happines Pada Pegawai Rumah Sakit Umum Kota Padang Sidempuan


  • Evinia Uli Christina
  • Freddy Butarbutar

Kata Kunci:

mindfulness, happiness


This study aims to determine whether there is an influence of mindfulness on happiness in employees of the Padang Sidempuan City General Hospital. The hypothesis put forward in this study states that there is a high influence of mindfulness on happiness, with the assumption that the higher the individual's mindfulness, the higher the individual's happiness and conversely the lower the individual's mindfulness, the lower the individual's happiness. The subjects of this study were 160 employees of the Padang Sidempuan City General Hospital. Data obtained from a scale to measure attention and happiness. Calculations are performed by testing requirements analysis (assumption test), which consists of a normality test and a linearity test. Data analysis was performed using a linear regression approach through SPSS 20 for Windows. The results of data analysis showed that r = 0.826 and p = 0.000 (p <0.05), which indicates the influence of mindfulness on happiness. The results showed that the influence of the variables given, namely attention and happiness, was 68.2 percent, while the remaining 32 percent was influenced by other factors not examined in this study. From these results it was concluded that the hypothesis states that there is a significant influence of the mindfulness variable on the happiness variable.


