Kata Kunci:
Supervisi Akademik, Kinerja Guru PAUDAbstrak
Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui dan mendeskripsikan pelaksanaan supervisi akademik kepala sekolah; mengetahui seberapa baik kinerja guru PAUD; mengetahui pengaruh supervisi akademik terhadap kinerja guru PAUD; dan mengetahui dampak dari pelaksanaan supervisi akademik terhadap kinerja guru PAUD. Penelitian ini merupakan sebuah penelitian dengan jenis dan desain penelitian ex-post facto korelasional. Jumlah populasi 594 responden satuan lembaga PAUD dan sampel 44 responden satuan lembaga PAUD. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan metode non-test berupa angket atau kuesioner yang diuji validitas dengan menggunakan skala likert dan uji reliabilitas Alpha Cronbach, wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis statistik parametric, uji Spearman untuk variabel supervisi akademik dan kinerja guru. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan; 1) Ada pelaksanaan supervisi akademik kepala sekolah di Manggarai Raya dengan jumlah persentase 40% untuk akreditasi A, yang berada dalam kategori sangat baik, tetapi apabila dilihat secara keseluruhan, dianggap rendah atau kurang baik karena jumlah persentasenya berada di bawah 50% ; 2) Kinerja guru PAUD di Manggarai Raya ditinjau dari semua indikator masuk dalam kategori sangat baik dengan jumlah persentase 20%, dan apabila dilihat secara keseluruhan dinyatakan kurang baik/rendah karena berada di bawah 50%; 3) Terdapat pengaruh yang positif dari supervisi akademik kepala sekolah terhadap kinerja guru PAUD di Manggarai Raya ditinjau dari nilai cohen’s 0,99, atinya varian yang terjadi pada variabel kinerja guru dipengaruhi oleh supervisi akademik kepala sekolah sebesar 99%; 4) Kontirbusi supervisi akademik terhadap kinerja guru PAUD di Manggarai Raya dengan analisis koefisien R2 sebesar 0,27% atau 27%; dan 5) Terdapat dampak supervisi akademik terhadap kinerja guru PAUD.
This research aims to determine and describe the implementation of school principals' academic supervision; find out how well PAUD teachers perform; determine the effect of academic supervision on PAUD teacher performance; and knowing the impact of implementing academic supervision on the performance of PAUD teachers. This research is a study with an ex-post facto correlational research type and design. The total population is 594 respondents from PAUD institutions and a sample of 44 respondents from PAUD institutions. The data collection technique uses a non-test method in the form of a questionnaire which is tested for validity using a Likert scale and Alpha Cronbach reliability test, interviews, observation and documentation. The data analysis technique uses parametric statistical analysis, the Spearman test for academic supervision and teacher performance variables. The research results show; 1) There is implementation of academic supervision by school principals in Manggarai Raya with a percentage of 40% for A accreditation, which is in the very good category, but when viewed as a whole, it is considered low or not good because the percentage is below 50%; 2) The performance of PAUD teachers in Manggarai Raya in terms of all indicators is in the very good category with a percentage of 20%, and when viewed as a whole it is declared poor/low because it is below 50%; 3) There is a positive influence from the principal's academic supervision on the performance of PAUD teachers in Manggarai Raya in terms of Cohen's value of 0.99, meaning that the variance that occurs in the teacher performance variable is influenced by the principal's academic supervision by 99%; 4) Contribution of academic supervision to the performance of PAUD teachers in Manggarai Raya with R2 coefficient analysis of 0.27% or 27%; and 5) There is an impact of academic supervision on the performance of PAUD teachers.