Kata Kunci:
Daun Salam, Hipertensi, Tekanan DarahAbstrak
Daun salam (Syzygium polyanthum) merupakan salah satu jenis terapi herbal untuk menangani penyakit hipertensi. Kandungan tanin dalam daun salam mampu mengendurkan otot arteri sehingga menurunkan tekanan darah bagi penderita hipertensi. Menurut Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Pamekasan jumlah penderita hipertensi berjumlah 28,236 lansia yang mengalami hipertensi. Di Puskesmas Nyalabuh Laok pada bulan Juli 2024 ada sekitar 337 lansia yang mengalami hipertensi di puskesmas Nyalabuh Laok yaitu merupakan puskesmas ke 6 yang terbanyak lansia yang mengalami hipertensi di kabupaten Pamekasan dan di desa Nyalabuh laok terdapat 53 lansia yang mengalami hipertensi yang merupakan desa ke 4 terbanyak lansia yang mengalami hipertensi di Puskesmas. Diketahuinya pengaruh air rebusan daun salam terhadap tekanan darah pada lansia hipertensi di Desa Nyalabuh laok Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Nyalabu laok. Penelitian ini dilaksanakanpada bulan Juli 2024. Desain dalam penelitian ini menggunakan Quasi eksperiment dengan menggunakan pendekatan one group pretest posttest design. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah 129 penderita hipertensi di Desa Nyalabuh laok. Jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 16 respondenyang diambil dengan Teknik purposive sampling. Dari hasil uji statistik dengan Uji Paired Samples Test nilai P value yang dihasilkan sebesar 0,000 < 0,05, dimana dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh air rebusan daun salam terhadap tekanan darah pada lansia hipertensi di Desa Nyalabu laok Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Nyalabuh laok. terdapat pengaruh air rebusan daun salam terhadap tekanan darah pada lansia hipertensi di Desa Nyalabuh laok Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Nyalabuh laok. Masyarakat dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan mengenai hipertensi dan manfaat rebusan daun salam agar dapat melakukan pencegahan dan perbaikan terhadap keluarga maupun orang sekitar.
Bay leaves (Syzygium polyanthum) are one type of herbal therapy to treat hypertension. The tannin content in bay leaves can relax the arterial muscles, thereby lowering blood pressure for people with hypertension. According to the Pamekasan Regency Health Office, the number of people with hypertension is 28,236 elderly people with hypertension. At the Nyalabuh Laok Health Center in July 2024, there were around 337 elderly people with hypertension at the Nyalabuh Laok Health Center, which is the 6th health center with the most elderly people with hypertension in Pamekasan Regency and in Nyalabuh Laok Village there were 53 elderly people with hypertension, which is the 4th village with the most elderly people with hypertension at the Health Center. The effect of boiled bay leaf water on blood pressure in elderly people with hypertension in Nyalabuh Laok Village, Nyalabuh Laok Health Center Work Area is known. This research was conducted in July 2024. The design in this study used a Quasi experiment using a one group pretest posttest design approach. The population in this study was 129 hypertensive patients in Nyalabuh Laok Village. The number of samples in this study was 16 respondents taken using the purposive sampling technique. From the results of the statistical test with the Paired Samples Test, the P value produced was 0.000 <0.05, which can be concluded that there is an effect of boiled bay leaf water on blood pressure in elderly hypertensive patients in Nyalabu laok Village, Nyalabuh laok Health Center Working Area. There is an effect of boiled bay leaf water on blood pressure in elderly hypertensive patients in Nyalabuh laok Village, Nyalabuh laok Health Center Working Area. The community can increase their knowledge about hypertension and the benefits of boiled bay leaves in order to prevent and improve their families and those around them.